Recovery & Hope: Colleen's Story

"I feel like I have an opportunity to show people on a different level, 'Let's connect, let's get moving.'" CMHA Kelowna team member, Colleen shares her story.
Recovery & Hope: Colleen's Story

Colleen joined the CMHA Kelowna team in 2021 as a supportive housing worker. In July 2024 she was recruited to become our new Recreation Worker, responsible for designing and coordinating recreational activities and special events for residents of CMHA supportive housing. Colleen’s lived experience with addiction and mental health, and the benefits of fitness she found on her road to wellness have given her a deep understanding of what supportive housing residents are up against, and what supports they need to set them up for recovery, too.

She says it “all came together” in this new role. “I feel like I have an opportunity to show people on a different level, ‘Let’s connect, let’s get moving.’”

The whole idea is to get residents out of isolation, and into community. Colleen is full of ideas! She’s starting slow, with some in-house activities (like arts & crafts and social gatherings over a meal), but her eyes light up and you can practically see the visions in her head as she lists off adventures she hopes to make happen. Colleen believes that filling time with healthy activities and lots of opportunities to build relationships will lead to improved mental health, sense of belonging and self-esteem—all key parts of recovery.

Residents appreciate the consistency and look forward to regularly scheduled activities they can rely on. Colleen says anything involving food is a big hit, and she’s often asked, “Did you bring snacks?”

Already she’s seeing progress: “When we do our walks, I can see the connections there…People in addiction tend to isolate themselves…I would like to ignite that little bit of passion in them, to live life.” When speaking about how physical exercise helped transform her own life and give her confidence, she says “If I can just get people to experience that. I feel that that filled up the empty space inside me.”

Colleen graciously shares her own story, knowing that doing so can help others to feel comfortable to do the same, opening doors to healing. Colleen is celebrating eight years of sobriety this November. “I drank myself into the hospital,” she remembers. “I was at my wits’ end.”  With encouragement and support from her parents, Colleen began her road to recovery at Karis Support Society here in Kelowna and fitness became her new addiction. “I’d get on my bike and bike the anger and fear out of me.” Later, she became certified as a Personal Trainer and Weight Instructor and worked at a local gym until Covid hit and the gym closed temporarily. It was during that time Colleen decided to enroll in a six-month full-time program of study to become a Mental Health and Crisis Response Worker, eventually leading her to apply for a role with CMHA.

As Recreation Worker, Colleen finds that providing opportunities for residents to spend time with others, even in simple activities like walking together to grab a “screamer” in the summer, can make a big difference. It can also work to build bridges and reduce stigma in the community. Colleen knows personally that people living with a substance abuse disorder are often treated as “less than.” She wants us all to see that “They are more than just their drug addiction.”

Thank you, Colleen, for the incredible ways you are supporting others in their healing journeys through your work with CMHA! We are lucky to have you.

CMHA Kelowna has been successfully housing and supporting people who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness for over 20 years. We believe the safety and security of stable housing is a critical component of mental health. By providing a place to call home with built-in supports and access to community resources, supportive housing provides an opportunity for participants to begin working on their mental and physical health and wellness, life goals, and more.  
We have five supportive housing sites:
 Ellis PlaceGordon PlaceHeath HouseMcCurdy Place, and Willowbridge. Each cultivates its own unique sense of community, creating a sense of belonging and inclusivity to participants. Learn more here.

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