The Family Navigator:
- Listens to concerns
- Assesses needs
- Provides information on services
- Provides education on mental health and substance use issues
- Provides education on self care/Coping Strategies and Communication Skills
- Helps to access community based resources
If you would like to request the services of the Family Navigator, please send an email or call 1-844-234-6663. Please include the following information: Your name, child/youth’s age, your relationship to the child/youth, why you are contacting the Family Navigator, and if we can leave a voicemail message.
The Family Navigator will reply to your message within 48 hours and, if appropriate, follow up with a caregivers assessment in person or virtual. If you live in a rural area and/or do not have regular access to a computer, you can click here and download an online caregiver’s assessment and submit the form by email or fax.
Take a Break is a support group where you can meet other caregivers/parents, make connections, share experiences, and learn enhanced coping skills. Topics of discussion include: mental health issues, substance use, strategies for mental wellness, boundary setting, and communication skills. Take a Break groups are offered at 8 CMHA branches in the BC Interior. Please contact your closest branch for more information, including dates and times. If you do not have a branch close by, please contact the Interior Region Family Navigator at
Participating Branches
- Cariboo Chilcotin (Williams Lake)
- South Cariboo (100 Mile House)
- Kamloops
- Kelowna – Contact Melody Brewer – operated out of Foundry Kelowna
- Shuswap/Revelstoke (Salmon Arm)
- Vernon
- South Okanagan Similkameen (Penticton)
- Kootenays (Cranbrook)
This service has been made possible with support from The KGH Foundation & Interior Health.